Ch. Nasusa Patagonian, JC, FCh.
(Ch. Whisperun Imperial Look x
Can.Ch. Nasusa Because I Said So)
Bred by: Carla & Susan Badick
Owned by: Susan Mallonee & Carla Badick
Born: Jan 9, 2003
Kanook came to me from Canada and at
not quite 4 months, won the hound group at the Beehive Cluster Match. Her first
weekend out, she was WB/BOW from the 6-9 class. In her last 5 shows, she has
been Best of Breed over specials 4 times including this 5 pt major.
Kanook had a litter of 2 January 1, 2005
Amberwind Nasusa Cosmic Sun
Amberwind Nasusa First Starr, JC, FCh.
Kanook coursing with her kids, Koda & KJ